Tip 1:
The long list of html codes below can also serve as a guide for the alt key code method:
*for 256 or higher, press the alt key and type ONLY the three digit number (omit ;)
*UNDER 256, press the alt key and type zero, then the number (omit ;)
Tip 2: For unusual letters, and
as a last resort, type just the accented letters or terms you need in
MS Word. Then save the file to html format. After opening the file
in a browser, look at the source code in the View menu. Word usually
puts in lots of extra, unneeded code. However, you may be able to
isolate just what you want and use it in your code. This can be useful
for the occasional math term too.
the semi-colon at the end of each "tag")
! Exclamation mark !
" Quotation mark "
# Number sign #
$ Dollar sign $
% Percent sign %
& Ampersand &
' Apostrophe '
( Left parenthesis (
) Right parenthesis )
* Asterisk *
+ Plus sign +
, Comma ,
- Hyphen -
. Period (fullstop) .
/ Solidus (slash) /
0 - 9 Digits or numbers
: Colon :
; Semi-colon ;
< Less than <
= Equals sign =
> Greater than >
? Question mark ?
@ Commercial at @
A- Z Letters A-Z
[ Left square bracket [
\ Reverse solidus (backslash) \
] Right square bracket ]
^ Caret ^
_ Horizontal bar _
` grave accent `
a to z Letters a-z
{ Left curly brace {
| Vertical bar |
} Right curly brace }
~ Tilde ~
€ Euro €
À Capital A, grave accent À
Á Capital A, acute accent Á
 Capital A, circumflex accent Â
à Capital A, tilde Ã
Ä Capital A, ring Å
Å Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Ä
Æ Capital AE dipthong (ligature) Æ
Ç Capital C, cedilla Ç
È Capital E, grave accent È
É Capital E, acute accent É
Ê Capital E, circumflex accent Ê
Ë Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Ë
Ì Capital I, grave accent Ì
Í Capital I, acute accent Í
Î Capital I, circumflex accent Î
Ï Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark Ï
Ð Capital Eth, Icelandic Ð
Ñ Capital N, tilde Ñ
Ò Capital O, grave accent Ò
Ó Capital O, acute accent Ó
Ô Capital O, circumflex accent Ô
Õ Capital O, tilde Õ
Ö Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark Ö
× Multiply symbol ×
Ø Capital O, slash Ø
Ù Capital U, grave accent Ù
Ú Capital U, acute accent Ú
Û Capital U, circumflex accent Û
Ü Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Ü
Ý Capital Y, acute accent Ý
Þ Capital THORN, Icelandic Þ
ß Small sharp s, German (sz ligature) ß
à Small a, grave accent à
á Small a, acute accent á
â Small a, circumflex accent â
ã Small a, tilde ã
ä Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark ä
å Small a, ring å
æ Small ae dipthong (ligature) æ
ç Small c, cedilla ç
è Small e, grave accent è
é Small e, acute accent é
ê Small e, circumflex accent ê
ë Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark ë
ì Small i, grave accent ì
í Small i, acute accent í
î Small i, circumflex accent î
ï Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ï
ð Small eth, Icelandic ð
ñ Small n, tilde ñ
ò Small o, grave accent ò
ó Small o, acute accent ó
ô Small o, circumflex accent ô
õ Small o, tilde õ
ö Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ö
÷ Division sign ÷
ø Small o, slash ø
ù Small u, grave accent ù
ú Small u, acute accent ú
û Small u, circumflex accent û
ü Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ü
ý Small y, acute accent ý
þ Small thorn, Icelandic þ
ÿ Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark ÿ
ā ā
ă ă
ą ą
ć ć
ĉ ĉ
ċ ċ
č č - háček
*Click here for a chart for 426 through 740.
*Click here for a chart that should be for 740-855. Note that the symbols on the 740-855
chart were not recognized by my pdf software - thus the image. Also note that starting with 768, you type a letter, then alt key + the code, and the symbol should
go above AND/OR below the letter.